
What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), providing businesses with an effective means to achieve key business goals such as brand awareness, demand generation, and domain authority.

SEO takes into account both on-site and off-site elements for optimization purposes, with on-site elements including technical optimizations like URL structure and navigation, mobile-friendliness, site speed and usability as core aspects of success.


Keywords help search engines understand what your content is all about and can be used to target phrases people are searching for. Selecting appropriate keywords requires research and trial-and-error; to achieve optimal results you should find a balance between search volume and competition while considering audiences based on where they are on their customer journey journey.

Utilizing keywords as part of your SEO strategy can increase both site visibility and organic traffic, while making you appear more trustworthy in the eyes of your visitors. Achieve this goal by matching up keywords with their respective audiences’ search intent.

Searchers typically use three main search intents when they conduct online research: informational, navigational and transactional. When someone searches “what are nfts”, they might be searching for information that provides details on this form of e-commerce platform; conversely those searching “nft marketplace” might want navigational content that leads them directly to NFT platforms.


Content is a fundamental element of search engine optimization (SEO). Without it, your website would be rendered worthless; yet determining what constitutes SEO content may be challenging. To optimize for search engines effectively, your content must be both relevant and valuable to its audience; updated frequently; free from errors; structured properly and free from plagiarism.

People searching Google often are searching for information in various forms, from web pages and videos, to pictures. To provide users with optimal results, search engines must index all this content before ranking pages based on how useful or relevant they are to the query at hand.

When developing SEO content, it is crucial that you know how to structure your site and which keywords to use. This will enable you to craft SEO-rich articles that are both readable and informative for your audience. Keyword research can also help uncover competition as well as new content opportunities.

Link building

Link building is one of the core elements of search engine optimization. A website’s ranking relies heavily on its number of quality backlinks; having an effective link-building strategy can help increase your site’s position on search engines and attract organic traffic to it.

Link building comes in many forms and it is important that your business find one or more methods that works best. Popular techniques for link building include targeting resource pages with which to link build, content marketing strategies and reaching out to influencers within your industry.

Be wary of engaging in spammy link building tactics; otherwise Google may issue a manual penalty against your site and seriously hamper your SEO efforts. Instead, focus on producing high-quality content worthy of linking to.


SEO analytics refers to the process of gathering, analyzing and reporting SEO data in order to make informed decisions regarding your SEO strategy. It includes interpreting key metrics, using visualization tools such as charts or tables, and writing written summaries of this analysis.

Step one in SEO analysis involves reviewing which keywords your site ranks for and their clickthrough rates to assess if there are any areas for improvement.

Bounce rates, or how often visitors leave your website after visiting its search results page, can provide insight into whether or not what you provide is meaningful to potential customers. A high bounce rate could indicate that what you provide may not be useful or relevant to them.

SEO analytics also allow you to accurately monitor and assess the success of your marketing campaigns. Assessing SEO performance allows you to make more informed decisions regarding future steps while preventing time and money being spent on ineffective strategies.