
How Search Engine Optimization Can Improve Your Website’s Ranking in SERPs

search engine optimization

Search engines provide an invaluable service for users on the web. Their mathematical algorithms (searchbots) crawl websites in order to collect information for searchers and present ranked lists of results as results for searches.

SEO works to enhance both user search experience and page rankings by employing best practices such as including relevant keywords in titles and descriptions, using schema markup, and performing other technical optimizations.


Keywords are at the core of any effective search engine optimization campaign. They help you understand which words and phrases people are searching for as well as competition and demand for them, shaping content production that resonates with target audiences.

Start by brainstorming a list of words and phrases that describe your product or service, then use this information to develop seed keywords for each page of your website. Keep revising and editing as necessary until your list is perfected.

Keyword research allows you to quickly identify topics of interest to your customers and focus on providing more value than before. Keywords can also be organized according to marketing funnel or customer journey stages so you are targeting customers at key moments in their journeys.


Metadata is an essential element of SEO, helping improve search engine results by adding context about the content on your website. Metadata includes title tags and meta descriptions which appear in search engine results pages (SERPs), while well-crafted descriptions can help increase click-through rates by providing an engaging summary of what each webpage covers.

Metadata provides invaluable insights into which keywords your customers are using to find your content, helping you decide what type of keyword targeting and content creation strategies will yield the greatest return for SERP rankings.

Metadata can be an underappreciated asset for web designers, yet it is an invaluable way to boost SEO on any site. But be careful to not overdo your metadata usage; overly repetitive metadata can confuse customers and result in Google penalties; to prevent this, write unique meta titles and descriptions for every page on your site.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization refers to optimizing individual pages on your website for search engines, by including relevant keywords within page content and using on-page elements like title tags, internal links and image alt text. Furthermore, on-page optimization should include writing high-quality page content that meets search intent of target audiences – performing keyword research and devising an SEO strategy tailored for each page on your site is the best way of accomplishing this goal.

Search engines use algorithms to evaluate each page they crawl in order to match user search intent, then display that page in search results. On-page optimization is key because it can improve search engine ranking by making pages more relevant to users; plus it’s something entirely under your control! In fact, on-page SEO may even prove more successful than off-page and technical SEO strategies! Furthermore, on-page optimization could even help secure you a featured snippet on Google!

Link building

Link building is an essential aspect of search engine optimization. One strategy to leverage for link building success is creating content that other websites want to link back to; not only will you attract more links this way, but this strategy could also boost your ranking on Google SERPs.

Traditional link analysis relied heavily on link count as an essential criterion for ranking websites in search engines like Google. Now however, Google evaluates a web page’s link profile based on many different criteria – domain authority and traffic among them; relevance to niche etc are all considerations too.

Improve your link profile using various techniques such as broken link building or skyscraper linking, as well as audit tools like Screaming Frog that audit and fix links on websites, such as broken link building. Just be careful not to abuse link building techniques by manipulating anchor text or placing links on unnatural-looking websites as Google may mistake these actions for manipulation and penalize your site accordingly.